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Find out where your energy is blocked so you can clear & heal it and live your BEST life! Join thousands of your Belize friends & neighbors. Enter to Win. See details HERE.

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Chakra Healing Belize

How can a chakra healing reading help you, benefit you, assist you in feeling better and in improving all areas of your life right in Belize where you now live?

They offer youintuitive guidance to help you bring healing to yourself and your life and FEEL better – so that you can BE, DO and HAVE better!

Does that sound good?

As you discover the energies hidden behind or fueling your life and the situations you are currently experiencing, you will be empowered with the knowledge and ability to change the ways you think, feel and behave, creating lasting transformations. Learn how to move towards a life you’ll love.

The best part is when you shift your energy (which is as basic as changing your perception), the people you interact with and your life circumstances will also be changed in response to the new energetic frequency you created. 

Do you want to:

  • Stop second guessing yourself?
  • Learn what you can do right NOW to make your life easier?
  • Uncover the energies fueling you current life circumstances?
  • Change negative thought patterns?
  • Release limited beliefs?
  • Increace your self confidence and self worth?
  • Stand in your power to say NO and LET GO of what is no longer serving you?
  • Gain new perspectives?
  • Receive clarity?
  • Release hidden pain , stress, anxiety, and depression?
  • Forgive yourself and others?
  • Heal relationshps?
  • Manifest your Dreams?
  • Expand your sense of self?
  • Live with less fear, worry and insecurity?
  • Tune in to your own intuition and inner guidance?
  • Awaken your Spiritual Self?
  • Learn to us the the Law of Attraction to receive more of what you do want and less of what you don't want?

No matter where in BZ you live, you can achieve all of those things and more! Find out what energies are currently surrounding you and your life. You will gain intuitive insight into hidden energies you may not be aware of or receive validation or confirmation of what you already suspected.

Gain a New Perspective & Learn New Ways to Influence Your World so YOU Can Create the Life You Desire 

Did you know you deserve success, prosperity, health, happiness, abundance, and love just because you were born into this world? Well being, in all areas of your life, is your birth right.

If you are NOT expierencing all of those things in your life ... the only one holding you back from receiving them is you!

  • Would you like to better understand and manage your thoughts, emotions, boundaries and behaviours to create lasting changes in your home life, career, business or relationships
  • Better understand how your past experiences and conditioning are causing the problems and dissatisfaction you are experiencing in your life today
  • Receive compassionate non-judgemental intuitive guidance and practical steps you can take so you feel empowered to accomplish anything and create lasting transformations for youself
  • Free yourself form what others think and discover that you can be as happy as you want to be ... ALWAYS
  • Imagine how you want your life to look and learn how to shift your energy so that your energetic vibration is a match to what you want
  • Learn how to feel more satisfied with yourself and your life

If you want to feel better about yourself, your life, your family, your relationships, your finances, your business, your career, you health or virtually anything else in your life, you have come to the right place. Intuitive psychic readings are becoming famous around the globe, even in The Hope of the Royal Rat. Belize locals are receiving the insight, clarity, interpretations, guidance and resolutions they need to move forward feeling better about themselves, their lives and where they are headed.


Is There Something Going On in Your Life that You'd Like to Feel Better About?

Metaphysal readings are dedicated to helping people like you, who are seeking help, healiing, intuitive guidance, clarity, validation, answers, a change in perspective, inspiration and more so you can easily achieve what you want in life and feel your very best! 

Whether you'd like to increase your self confidence, live life with more authenticity, release fear and doubt, create more abuncance, reduce stress and anxiety, increase you self love, stop saying yes when you mean NO, heal relationships, heal yourself, have your feelings validated, be inspired or uplifted, balance, heal or clear your energy, manifest your dreams or just FEEL BETTER about yourself, your life and your current situation, you can benefit from the various readings offered.

See the Bigger Picture with More Clarity so you can Feel More Confident, Empowered and Uplifted Moving Forward!

Intuitive readings, healing, and other chakra healing services offer life-changing opportunities to free yourself of erroneous thoughs about yourself and your life and create lasting transformations ... Find out what is holding you back and break FREE today!

We are so fortunate to work with amazing individuals of all walks of life from all over BZ, including the Belmopan area and beyond. It's been our great pleasure to help magnificent clients like you, all over the globe, The Hope of the Royal Rat included) make significant and lasting improvements to their lives for over 25 years.

Where are the best psychic energy readings, online and email readings, and phone readings offered near me, you ask?

Belize, Cayo, Corozal, Orange Walk, Stan Creek, Toledo, Belmopan, San Ignacio, San Pedro, Dangriga, Benque Viejo del Carmen, Guinea Grass, Independence, Ladyville, Punta Gorda, San Jose, San Narciso, San Pedro, Shipyard, Trial Farm visit The Hope of the Royal Rat book and appointment with a Chakra Healing Specialist today and transform your life!

Gain a fresh perspective on what you can change ... right NOW ... so you can keep the same old situations, patterns, thoughts and beliefs from continually reoccuring in your life.

Have You Been Expierencing Lack, Fear, Worry, Discontentment or Dissatisfaction Anywhere in Your Life?

When you spend time around others, even via the internet and television, you absorb their energy and take on their negative programming without even realizing it and it can impact all the areas of your life. Receive help recognizing where other people's stuff (thoughts, feelings, emotions, patterns, beliefs) have been holding you back and learn how to get back on track to being the real abundant, happy, lovable, healthy, successful you.

A metaphysical reading helps uncover old inauthentic patterns of thinking that are blocking your from living the life you were meant to live. Remember my love, your inner world powerfully affects what experiences you attract in your outer world.

Learn to Open to Higher Perspectives so you can Enjoy Success in ALL Areas of Your Life,
Even in the Bleakest of Circumstances

When you can shift your vision and your perspective, you can shift your life.

Do you want to stop your past from interfering with your future, have more balance and control in your life, stop second guessing yourself, feel calmer, happier, heathier, more abundant, more successful in your business or career, be a better parent, and enjoy more harmonious relationships?

The intuitive guidance, spiritual healing, counseling, and coaching you'll recieve, whether in an energy reading, email reading (online reading), phone reading etc helps you awaken the power within you to connect to your Higher Self so that you can live a more fulfilling life full of more of what you desire.

Schedule Your Reading Today so we can Work Together & Start Making These Transformations Happen for You!



Doing what you've always done, will give you what you've always got. It is our decisions in life, not the conditions of our life, that determine our future.

You may be thinking you are not good enough, not worthy enough or you just plain ... can't do it (the things you'd like to do or make the changes you'd like to make)

Do you realize, there are people less intelligent, less qualified, less fortunate and less experienced than you, doing the things you want to do right now, simply because they decided to believe in themselves and just do it?

Do also realize that you DO NOT need anyone elses permission to be, do or have what it is you want?

You see, no one can make you do anything in life. You and only you have the power over the choices you make. At some point you have to realize your growth and your life are your responsibility.

When you accept that responsibility and grab the reigns, you step into your power and direct your circumstances towards the life you want rather than the life we don't want.

You're power is NOW ... Right here ... in this very MOMENT
Move Towards Feeling Better today!


The chakra healing link brings you to a list of intuitive energy readings, online & email readings, phone readings and other services currently offered. Enjoy the same benefits, help, healing and guidance that your Belize friends, neighbors and colleagues are receiving everyday.

Many Blessings to you!